Joghurt's Techblog

SimShaker for DCS UH-60 Blackhawk

If you want to use SimShaker for Aviators with the free UH-60L Black Hawk mod for Digital Combar Simulator you need to modify the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\SimShaker\SimShaker for Aviators Beta\Data\SimShaker.lua" as follows:

Search for
 elseif obj.Name == "UH-1H" then
and modify it to
 elseif obj.Name == "UH-60L" then = "Mi-8MT"
dataTable.rpm = string.format("%.2f", get_param_handle("RRPM"):get() * 2 / 3)
elseif obj.Name == "UH-1H" then
and it will work.

Have fun! :)


Can you possiblly link an imgur with what the lua should look like after editing please? With the Apache about to release, I imagine we will have to do this for both the blackhawk and the apache.

What do you mean? Mine looks like this:

dataTable.rpm = string.format("%.2f", mainRotorRPM)
dataTable.panelShake = PanelShake

elseif obj.Name == "Hercules" then

elseif obj.Name == "UH-60L" then = "Mi-8MT"
dataTable.rpm = string.format("%.2f", get_param_handle("RRPM"):get() * 2 / 3)

elseif obj.Name == "AH-6" then = "Mi-8MT"

elseif obj.Name == "UH-1H" then
local mainRotorRPM = MainPanel:get_argument_value(123) * 100

That is exactly what I needed, just wanted a clearer image of what everything should look like after adding the lines, thank you :)

This is currently what I have and the sim shaker isnt working for the uh-60l.

dataTable.rpm = string.format("%.2f", mainRotorRPM)
dataTable.panelShake = PanelShake

elseif obj.Name == "UH-60L" then -- = "Mi-8MT"
dataTable.rpm = string.format("%.2f", get_param_handle("RRPM"):get() * 2 / 3)

--local rightDoor = 1.0 - MainPanel:get_argument_value(471) -- inverted
--local leftDoor = 1.0 - MainPanel:get_argument_value(471) -- inverted

local cockpitParamContainer = getCockpitParam() -- see getCockpitParam() function at bottom
local shakeValue = cockpitParamContainer.SND_ALWS_COCKPIT_RATTLE/100
--local shakeValue = 1
local PanelShake =
dataTable.panelShake = PanelShake
--dataTable.rightDoor = rightDoor
--dataTable.leftDoor = leftDoor
elseif obj.Name == "UH-1H" then

Yes, because I'm afraid you mixed it up quite badly.

Please start over! You can delete the file and start SimShaker, it will then create a new SimShaker.lua file.

Just look for the line mentioned in the article and add said three lines and you're good to go.

Thank you for the UH-60 info! Worked like a champ! Any suggestions for making it work with the OV-10 and C-130 mod?

Not really, sadly. I checked the Hercules and were unable to find engine rpm values for it the "easy" way:
I use the following script to access the argument values that I insert into the SimShaker.lua :

if not debugarray then
debugarray = {}
for i=1,2000 do
debugarray[i] = MainPanel:get_argument_value(i)
for i=1,2000 do
local x = MainPanel:get_argument_value(i)
if debugarray[i] ~= x then
dataTable["mgav_" .. string.format("%03d", i)] = x

With the UH-60L I had the same problems and in the end asked the developer of the mod who helped me out with the statement that I now use, the one in this article.

Hi! Thank you for the UH-60!
I have installed f16 Sufa mod, how can i make simshaker work with this mod?

I don't know that mod, maybe ask the author?

Oh, authors keep silence about it, mod itself copy all f-16 parameters, maybe there is any chance to bring up Simshaker working?


Many thanks for posting this Joghurt. You are a legend.

@Krilovsky the id's are as follows

elseif obj.Name == "F-16I" or obj.Name == "F-16D_50" or obj.Name == "F-16D_50_NS" or obj.Name == "F-16D_52" or obj.Name == "F-16D_52_NS" or obj.Name == "F-16D_Barak_40" or obj.Name == "F-16D_Barak_30" then = "F-16C_50"

Works for me on all the variants! Enjoy

Seems ETL stopped working for the UH-60. Is there anyway to use the ah-64 data and settings instead of the MI-8, as they are closer in performance and flight characteristics?

Still noone cant make this to work with HERCULES??

Not that I know of. But there may be an official Herc module in the making, as far as I've heard - they for sure have transport planes planned.

As stated above it will at least not crash if you add
elseif obj.Name == "Hercules" then
to your SimShaker.lua. ;)

Joghurt, I have done that but nothing changed. I dont have any effects.

I remeber the time when i was able to have effects in Hercules if I had F-16 in the same mission and dly it before Herc. But now that is impossible.

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